Develop YOUR innovative solution with ONYM
Develop YOUR innovative solution with ONYM
Are you interested in making sustainable improvements and creating new innovative solutions for your business?
Are you interested in making sustainable improvements and creating new innovative solutions for your business?
Do you want to develop a green product or process that is sustainable and made with local and organic products?
ONYM is a company specializing in the production of bioenergy and bioproducts made from biomass. Let us help you realize and implement your new product.
Do you want to develop a green product or process that is sustainable and made with local and organic products?
ONYM is a company specializing in the production of bioenergy and bioproducts made from biomass. Let us help you realize and implement your new product.
Are you interested in making sustainable improvements and creating new innovative solutions for your business?
Are you interested in making sustainable improvements and creating new innovative solutions for your business?
Do you want to develop a green product or process that is sustainable and made with local and organic products?
ONYM is a company specializing in the production of bioenergy and bioproducts made from biomass. Let us help you realize and implement your new product.
Do you want to develop a green product or process that is sustainable and made with local and organic products?
ONYM is a company specializing in the production of bioenergy and bioproducts made from biomass. Let us help you realize and implement your new product.
Our company, ONYM, has the capacity to create and distribute the equivalent of 20% of the current North American market share of wood vinegar. This new product is poised to be one of the most in demand bioproducts of the future.
Also known as pyroligneous acid, wood vinegar is used in agriculture, horticulture, animal feed, pharmaceuticals, and the food industry.
Wood vinegar can convert your business challenges into positively sustainable results. Learn more about its many benefits.
Contact us today to discuss this opportunity!
Made of approximately 300 ingredients, including acetic acid, methanol and phenols, wood vinegar promotes plant growth, controls pathogens, and improves food taste.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the soil is one of the many benefits of using wood vinegar.
In the agricultural sector, wood vinegar acts as catalyst in the breakdown of water particles. This allows for better absorption of nutrients by plants and animals and reduces the need for chemical (up to 50%) and food inputs.
- In animal husbandry, wood vinegar helps reduce cases of salmonellosis and pathogens, and is proven to encourage better absorption of nutrients by the animal. This bioliquid also allows for greater control of manure odours;
- When used as feed compliment for poultry, wood vinegar results in better laying and hatching performances, harder eggs, better taste, and lower cholesterol content in the eggs;
- In the bovine industry, there is a marked improvement in meat quality, fertility rate, milk production and feed conversion;
- Better health and fertility rate was also noted in sows, as well as a marked reduction in disease, more uniform piglets, improved feed conversion rate, better tasting meat and reduced diarrhea in piglets.
In plant cultivation, wood vinegar allows for:
- Better crop yield (stimulation of the roots and the leaves, improved germination and growth, better absorption of nutrients and photosynthesis);
- Reduction of synthetic chemicals;
- Higher tolerance to soil drought (better root system).
Health and quality of vegetable and fruit crops are improved due to:
- An increase in the quantity and quality of the microbial flora;
- Healthier fruit (colour, firmness, flavour, preservation);
- Higher sugar level in fruits;
- And the possibility of soil rehabilitation.